Welcome Message from Mr. Isenor, REC Principal

We hope everyone had an opportunity to enjoy their summer and spend time with family and friends. The staff at REC have been working hard behind the scenes prior to your children starting on Thursday to provide a positive start to the 2024-25 school year.
As with every start-up there is lots of information to be reminded of, or to hear for the first time, so please take the time to go through the information below.
Here's to a great start-up and continued success throughout the year.
The personal technology directive was provided by the Department of Education at the end of last school year with the intention of each school developing their own protocols around cell phones and other devices.
You can view the REC Personal Technology Protocol by visiting https://bit.ly/REC-Personal-Technology-Protocol.
Please discuss the details of this with your child.
Students will be expected to use their lockers on a daily basis to store their devices and any other personal items such as jackets, lunch boxes, backpacks, sneakers for Phys Ed class, etc.
This will be a new experience for a number of our students, not just the Grade 6's, as some students have carried backpacks from class to class and gotten away from using a locker.
It will be important for your children to understand the importance of keeping their space secure since their personal items will be there, by not leaving their lock unlocked or sharing their combination with other students.
Staff will reinforce this topic with students as well.
Please refer to https://bit.ly/diversity-at-rec to understand how we will be offering a safe and welcoming environment for all students, staff, and community members and how inappropriate remarks, or attacks on identity will not be tolerated.
Education will be key, but consequences may be necessary, if students struggle with respecting diversity at REC.
This year we will be asking for a $25 student fee to help offset the cost of many events and expenditures throughout the year. This could include presentation costs, bussing, dances, field trips, materials for extra-curricular activities, uniforms, lockers/locks etc.
This will not be requested until late September, or early October.
You will receive an email with the details on how to use SchoolCash online. Please do not send in cash, or any other form of payment prior to the email going out.
Student Registration forms will be sent home on Thursday, Sept 5th with your child to highlight/edit any information that has changed from June. There will also be consent forms requiring signatures.
Please have everything back to your child's homeroom teacher by Thursday, September 12th.