Safety at REC

Safety at REC
Posted on 09/19/2024

The safety of students and staff members is a high priority at Riverside Education Centre.

To maintain the safety in our building, we ask that all visitors pay attention to the following measures when coming to the school:

1. Parents/Guardians/Visitors who come to the school to pick up or drop off children must enter and exit through the front entrance foyer and remain there. The front doors remain locked throughout the day so please ring the buzzer located at the far left of the entrance to indicate to the office administration that you are wanting to gain access to the building.

2. We have multiple different safety drills throughout the school year. While it is unlikely we would need to use them, it is important to practice. These include Fire Drills, Lockdown Drills and Hold and Secure Drills.

Fire Drills: We have a minimum of 6 evacuation fire drills per school year. If you are on school property during one of these drills, you will be asked to follow the instructions of staff.

Hold and Secure: This drill is held once per school year. It can be held due to an incident outdoors (presence of an animal) or indoors (a spill, dysregulated child, or adult). Students may be restricted to their classroom or may be able to move around within the building (no one enters or leaves the building).

Lockdown: Lockdowns are practiced twice per school year. During a lockdown, all students remain in their classroom, away from sight of the door and window. This is called “positioned for safety.” Sometimes either a Police Liaison Officer or fire department official is present during a drill to assist school administration.


Please be assured we understand safety drills can be unnerving for children. We spend dedicated time discussing the importance of this procedure with students prior to practicing the drills. We will also take time after the drill to remind students that it is only for practice and there is no danger. Please take the time to speak with your child about this procedure and reinforce its importance. We practice these drills to ensure our school remains a safe place for teaching and learning.

We will have our first Lock Down Drill by September 30th and our first Hold and Secure Drill by October 31st.

Please contact the school administration if you have any questions about Hold and Secure or Lockdown drills.

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